神の至聖所 ~聖書とキリストの啓示より~


The Greening of Afghanistan (Water, Not Weapons) A Japanese Doctor Initiative work


Beginning in 1991, Tetsu Nakamura opened 3 clinics to provide medical service in the mountainous eastern region of Afghanistan.

Starting from 2000, a drought hit the region. A consequence of this drought was the multiplications of diseases due to malnutrition and lack of water. Nakamura stated about this situation: "One irrigation canal will do more good than 100 doctors!". Starting from 2003, Nakamura started building an irrigation canal in Khiwa district of Nangarhar Province, the Marwarid Canal. The canal gets water from "Kunar River", and has a length of 25.5 km.

As of 2016, Nakamura has build or restored 8 additional canals, irrigating 16.000 hectares and supporting the livelihood of 600.000 people in the Gamberi Desert region.

Nakamura declared, "Weapons and tanks don't solve problems. The revival of farming is the cornerstone of Afghanisan's recovery".

I love Tetsu. I am proud of him for he is a Japanese. And I am ashamed of Christian countries bombing them with their overwhelming weapons.
If  Jesus lived in now, He wouId go to Afghanistan and throw his life for Afghan citizens. Muslims respect Jesus as a prophet,you know. But... I wonder why Christian countries kill them.

The Map of Marwarid Canal

マルワリード用水路 参考地図